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tv   BBC News  BBC News  November 10, 2019 12:00am-12:30am GMT

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this is bbc news. i'm nancy kacungira. our top stories: at least three people have died in bushfires in australia as weather forecasters and firefighters warn that more dangerous weather is on the way. fireworks, music and celebrations at the brandenburg gate — for the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. around two million people in eastern india and bangladesh are told to leave their homes — as a powerful cyclone makes landfall. people in the north of england and the midlands are still being rescued, after a months worth of rain falls in a single day.
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hello and welcome to bbc news. bushfires continue to ravage the east coast of australia with weather forecasters and firefighters warning that more bad weather is on the way. residents at risk have been told to leave their homes immediately. at least three people have died and the there a number of casualties could rise. 1300 firefighters supported by water firefighting aircraft are battling thousand that make hundreds of fires. new south wales officials say homes have burnt down. 150 homes have burnt down. with me is our news reporter freya cole, who has experience reporting on bushfires in australia. today, firefighters in australia
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will make most of a slight ease in conditions but as we know the threat is farfrom conditions but as we know the threat is far from over. conditions but as we know the threat is farfrom over. on conditions but as we know the threat is far from over. on tuesday, conditions but as we know the threat is farfrom over. on tuesday, the hot temperatures return again. basically, the message from firefighters is to get ready now and if you need to leave your home, you need to leave. they sent out a tweet saying that tuesday will be a dangerous day with widespread areas of extreme and fire danger. homes and lives will be at risk. if you are threatened by fire you may not help. take action now. that is a stark warning from firefighters to people, perhaps not sure whether to leave their homes and the warning is, leave now or put your life at risk. this must all be taking a serious toll on the people affected. absolutely. australians are working up absolutely. australians are working up to absolutely. australians are working uptoa absolutely. australians are working up to a third day, they are finding out who the czar and more often than not they are from small farming
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communities so as soon as one person dies, it affects many people. many other people now find whether or not they have lost their homes. and in those homes, more often than not, there is a large portion of life's doctor so there is a huge amount of stress on people and we hear a lot from community leaders saying that they have children at school while their parents are stuck at the farm and you can only start to imagine the kind of stress that everybody is under. and in describing these fires we have heard words such as unprecedented and uncharted territory. how strongly linked to climate change? scientist have a lwa ys climate change? scientist have always said for a long time now that they cannot pin bushfires in australia on climate change but what they can say is that the effect of climate change, the warmer temperatures and the drought are making bushfires worse. and what i can say about new south wales is that more than 98 scent of that
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state is in drought. it is such a dry part of australia. in queensland, where there is also fires at the moment, two—thirds of that state is in drought. so what firefighters are grappling with is a shortage of water to be able to fight these fires falls it is an incredibly dangerous situation. thank you very much for the update. juliejohnston lives in the town of port macquarie in new south wales. she told me how things have been there. basically, port macquarie has turned into a masklike landscape on friday. we had plenty of evacuations north and south. my house is four kilometres from one of the bushfires but we are pretty much surrounded by them with one road going out of the area. and, sorry, go on. we have
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actually had one particularfire, the linfield park fire that has been burning here sincejuly, july 19. and the reason being is that the area is basically a pete area with bushland all around so we have had no rainfall for months and it is basically an amazing fuel and the local council have laid two and a half kilometres of hose underground and pumped it with sewerage and water just to try and get and pumped it with sewerage and waterjust to try and get it damp so the fires can be put out. but that has been going sincejuly and that was the one that flared up on friday. do you feel prepared for this at all? did you feel prepared? well... interestingly, we are always told here in australia to be prepared, to be bushfire ready. but to be totally honest, everyone
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thinks there. we are told to clear gutters, we are told to make a bushfire plan, what you will do, what you will do with the children and where you will go, what you will ta ke and where you will go, what you will take with you. we have been told for months that it is so dried is likely to happen but we really were not prepared in port macquarie and tiree and the surrounding areas. i came home from my school on friday having spent three hours in the classroom with my class, knowing that three or four of their parents were actually seeking shelter in their houses which would two kilometres from the school and they were unable to come and collect their children. and looking out of the window, all they could see was this orange red haze which, you know, it has been set a million times over the past few days, it looked apocalyptic and quite eerie. we are prepared but no. icame quite eerie. we are prepared but no. i came home, i have bushland around me but i packed photos, i packed,
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armour, i was prepared very quickly and that is what it is like around here. my friends had 15 minutes, they were told 15 minutes before they were told 15 minutes before they had to leave and after that they had to leave and after that they could not leave they have to seek shelter in place in a brick building. you can keep up—to—date on the bushfires on the bbc news app and on bbc news online where our team are posting the latest news of dates including videos and some background including videos and some background including how the fires are linked to climate change. ceremonies have been taking place in germany to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, once a potent symbol of the cold war divide between east and west. chancellor angela merkel, who grew up in east germany, called on europeans to stand up for freedom, tolerance and human rights. jenny hill reports from berlin. this city set the world
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alight 30 years ago. tonight, berlin is still on fire. cheering. the wall was loathed, feared, resisted. in the end, it couldn't hold them back. cornelia was 11 when communist east germany came tumbling down. i remember also when we could go to the west part, the smelling. i will never forget about the smelling in the shops because it was such an amazing smell, i never had before. in 1961, the world looked on as brick by brick east berlin became a prison, its citizens sealed off from friends and family in the west, trapped in an oppressive communist regime. monika was among them.
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the wall, she told us, tore her family apart. she never knew her grandfather, who lived in the west. by the time the wall fell, he was dead. angela merkel, leading commemorations today, also grew up behind the iron curtain. it shaped her politics, her aversion to borders and walls. but even she admits divisions remain between the old east and west. the revolution was astonishingly bloodless. this, many declared, the birth of a new world order, one which some warn is at risk today. translation: the values upon which europe is founded — freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, the preservation of human rights. they absolutely cannot be taken for granted and must constantly be defended. for germany, this is a bittersweet day. a commemoration of hardship endured,
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a celebration of freedom won, but a chance too to reflect on new divisions. but tonight, lit up with celebration, berlin will simply remember the day so many never dared to hope would come. jenny hill, bbc news, berlin. let's bring you some live pictures now from california and news of another fire, now from california and news of anotherfire, a now from california and news of another fire, a brushfire now from california and news of anotherfire, a brushfire that now from california and news of another fire, a brushfire that woke out ina another fire, a brushfire that woke out in a 3000 block in the hollywood hills. it is a three acre fire burning slowly up the hill on the edge of the hollywood hills area and we will bring you more as we get it. let's get some of the day's other news. the bolivian president, evo morales, has invited the opposition for talks to try to end weeks of protests and violence following his disputed election victory last month. on friday police in several bolivian cities came out in support
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of the anti—government protestors with some of them calling for mr morales to resign. president trump says he's likely to release the transcript of a second phone call with the ukrainian president as early as tuesday. democrats have been asking for it as part of their inquiry to establish whether president trump violated the constitution, by pushing ukraine to investigate his political rivals. at least four people have been killed in the iraqi capital baghdad, after security forces clashed with anti—government protesters. it's the latest in a wave of demonstrations in the country, demanding a complete change to iraq's political system. cyclone bulbul has made landfall near the border of india and bangladesh, bringing heavy rain and winds of up to 135 kilometres an hour. up to two million peple have left their homes for safety, but two deaths have been reported —
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one person was crushed under a tree in the city of kolkata, while another was buried under a collapsing wall in neighbouring 0disha. 0ur south asian editor, anbarasan ethirajan, explained how improved preparedness has helped save lives. in the past, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in cyclones in bangladesh but we have developed a radio system and i working with the un and other agencies and have enlisted thousands of volunteers. 0ne agencies and have enlisted thousands of volunteers. one of the first things they will do is send text m essa 9 es things they will do is send text m essa g es to things they will do is send text messages to mobile phones to various fishermen and villages across southern bangladesh. and then they sent to different villages using loudspeakers to tell people that they now need to go to safety. 0therwise they now need to go to safety. otherwise they will also use army and security forces, physically putting people into shelters. these are some of the methods they use and they also use television and radio to warn people about the danger.
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they have realised that unless they moved to some safety that their lives will be in danger and that was one of the reasons why people think they can tied over and sit on the top of the roof and, if we spend another few hours we will be fine but bangladesh has learned its lesson and disaster management for the last few years has been good. and how large an area do we expect to be affected? 12 coastal districts and there are millions of people in these areas and many fishermen have been warned to not go into the sea for the past few days. in a neighbouring state of west bengal we already have reports of how the cyclone is making an impact. have been a few deaths. the full extent of it, once the cyclone crosses the path in india and bangladesh we will know after a few hours because the authorities will then be able to assess how much damage the cyclone has done. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: two of the biggest
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youtube stars face off in what could be one of the most—watched boxing matches of the year. the bombastic establishment outsider, donald trump, has defied the pollsters to take the keys to the oval office. i feel great about the election result. i voted for him because i genuinely believe that he cares about the country. it's keeping the candidate's name always in the public eye that counts. success or failure depends not only on public display, but on the local campaign headquarters and the heavy routine work of their women volunteers. berliners from both east and west linked hands and danced around their liberated territory. and with nobody to stop them, it wasn't long before the first attempts were made to destroy the structure itself. yasser arafat, who dominated the palestinian cause for so long, has died. palestinian authority has declared a state of mourning. after 17 years of discussion, the result was an outburst ofjoy. women ministers who long felt only grudgingly accepted in the ranks
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of clergy suddenly felt welcomed. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: at least three people have died in bushfires in australia as weather forecasters and firefighters warn that more dangerous weather is on the way. germany celebrates 30 years since the tearing down of the berlin wall. chancellor merkel says the anniversary should be a call for europeans to stand up for freedom, tolerance and human rights. after some of the worst flooding in recent years, parts of northern england and the midlands are still under water. seven severe flood warnings remain in place on the river don in south yorkshire — meaning there's a risk to life. one of the places worst hit
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is the village of fishlake, where residents have been critical of the response by local authorities. here's fiona trott. the village residents are leaving behind. the roads in fishlake are like rivers tonight, unless you have a boat the only way to travel is by tractor. at times like these, the local farmers are happy to help out. it's how emergency supplies have been reaching residents, all of them alarmed by how quickly it happened. i've never seen it like this all my life. apparently it did flood in 1933 or so. i've never seen it this bad. some people here have decided to stay, but for one woman that's not an option. the prospect of being trapped could not be more serious. we only moved in five weeks ago. i'm waiting for a transplant. 13 miles away in bentley, residents are counting the cost of the clear—up. all this has got to be replaced. diane cordon's family were flooded
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in 2007 and couldn't afford new insurance. they say they want help and the council isn't providing it. as soon as possible, we need skips. they say that the wagons cannot go through because of the water. cars are managing to get through, as you can see, so can a wagon with a skip on the back of it. what are we supposed to do with this? get on with it? leave you to it? what are we supposed to do with all this rancid, smelly, contaminated stuff? doncaster council has described the situation as highly complex and says it's been very difficult to predict and control future events. in derbyshire, matlock has been one of the worst—affected areas there. the woman who died after being caught in floodwater near darley dale has today been named as the former high sheriff annie hall. she's been described as a great leader who will be hugely missed. it will be weeks before this village and others like it reach some kind of normality.
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in the meantime, the government says it's launched an emergency fund so local authorities can help safeguard people's lives and property. this is the village of stainforth, just a mile away from fishlake, and the police are going to stay here throughout the night. they've got to stop people from crossing that bridge. the river don is a tidal river and it remains dangerously high. fiona trott, bbc news, doncaster. india's prime minister, narendra modi, has welcomed the supreme court's decision to award a bitterly disputed religious site in the northern town of ayodyha to hindus. he called for a new india, free of hatred between religious communities. 0ur correspondent rajini vaidyanathan is in delhi. they've waited decades for this. today hindus celebrated after they we re today hindus celebrated after they were granted land which had been
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bitterly contested. land here, in one of the holiest cities in india — ayodyha. but muslims have also worshipped here for generations. it's in this town that the 16th century mosque once stood. until it was torn down by hardline hindu groups in 1992. the communal violence which followed killed at least 2000 people across india. building a temple in ayodyha has long been a key plank of the ruling hindu nationalist bjp party's agenda. today'sjudgement is being seen as a key victory for the party which is led by prime minister narendra modi. translation: india is not for unity and diversity and it is reflected in today's verdict. it is a golden chapter in india's judicial system. but some wonder where it leaves the secular values india was built on.
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translation: i think this countries is on its way to becoming a hindu nation. bjp and its allies are driving this agenda. muslims will now be given a separate plot of land to build a mosque. while many believe today's verdict has something to both sides, will it make a lasting difference in healing this country's deep religious divides? rajini vaidyanathan, bbc news, delhi. a new border crossing has been opened between india and pakistan to mark the 550th anniversary of the birth of the founder of sikhism, guru nanak. the new crossing will create a so—called ‘peace corridor‘ from punjab in india to punjab in pakistan. it means that sikh pilgrims can travel visa—free from india into pakistan for the first time — allowing them to pray at the kartarpur shrine, where the guru settled in later life. secunder kermani reports.
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for many of those here, today is a dream come true. this temple is believed to have been built with the founder of sikhism, guru nanak, spent his final years in the 16th century. now pilgrims from india will be able to travel directly here from the border, just a few kilometres away. translation: we used to go to a town in india on the border and looked at it with binoculars from very far away. are used to pray that one day i would visit it myself stop now it's come true. it's a rare moment of cooperation between the neighbours. but it comes amidst continued tension in the disputed region of kashmir. pakistani officials say there needs to be a resolution on that before further dialogue can happen. nevertheless, this is an historic moment. the body here between pakistan and india was
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the scene of horrific bloodshed between the two countries were first divided into separate states, following the end of colonial rule. 0ne leading pakistani politician told me this faith corridor across that border could be to asia what the fall of the berlin wall was to europe. amongst those attending, including the sikh guysborough, there is the hope that this could bring together more ordinary people from the two countries. everyone here in pakistan has shown us so much love whatever we have been. we felt like we have been at home. there is no difference. it has been really amazing. and each one of us, we felt loved here. it hasjust been amazing. up to 5000 pilgrims will be allowed to travel here every day. sikh leaders in india say there will be no shortage of those making the journey. secunder kermani, bbc news, kartarpur. in a few hours, the boxing world could see the one of most watched fights of the year. but it's not established boxers
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taking to the ring — its two huge youtube stars. ksi from the uk takes on american logan paul in los angeles. it's a rematch — their first fight last year ended in a draw. the pair have a combined a0 million subscribers on youtube. i spoke to wally downeer from the uk's sun newspaper, who's in los angeles for the fight. i asked him why the fight is attracting so much interest. well, as someone who is over 30 i almost didn't know who they were either until they sort of burst onto the boxing theme. they are two youtubers or bloggers, a0 million followers on youtube. think ksi traditionally made his name filming himself playing computer games, which is a big thing now that guys seem to be doing, filming their reactions to scoring goals. he had an amateur fight against a rival british youtube star. that ended
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with him winning. but as his fate finished he called out local ball, they then boxed into a draw in manchester and this is the big rematch. it is a very strange event, a very new event, everyone who stands to profit from saying nice things. but it hasn't gone down too well in the traditional boxing world. tell us a bit more about that. this does seem to be attracting a younger audience, one that has not originally been into boxing. so what is the professional world of boxing saying about this was yellow is pretty divided. i would say the majority of british boxing, whether it is coaches or fighters think it is making a bit of a mockery of their sport. it is obviously something that most fighters have to start really young. they have to sacrifice so much. but there are some that really recognise that selling tickets is probably the ha rd est that selling tickets is probably the hardest thing to do in boxing. there are hardest thing to do in boxing. there a re lots of hardest thing to do in boxing. there are lots of great fighters that never reach their full potential or become a champion because they can't sell tickets. they may come from a
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pa rt sell tickets. they may come from a part of the country that does not give them much of a following, they might not have a huge outgoing personality. there is something to be said for the fact that these guys have created their own brand and they have made themselves so popular that i think they were able to sell around 2.5 million paper views. that is something anthonyjoshua would be dreaming of. there are some dreaming of. there are fighters is something anthonyjoshua would be dreaming of. there are fighters who understand and appreciate what they can do and are probablyjealous of it. let's just show you again these live pictures from califonia, where a brush fire broke out at around 2pm local time near the north barham boulevard in hollywood hills. firefighters are working to contain a three—acre brush fire burning slowly up a hill on the edge of burbank and the hollywood hills area.
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that is all for now. you can reach me on twitter. thanks for watching and goodbye for now. hello. there weekend got off to a cold, frosty start. 0r rain followed for many of us on saturday. notjust rain, more of the uk at its worst know of the season into the welsh hills, the higher parts of shropshire. but it is the effect of recent rain which is still causing major flooding, recent rain which is still causing majorflooding, particularly into parts of south yorkshire and derbyshire. there are many flood warnings still in force. to head to our website for the latest details about flood and weather warning ‘s. now, sunday getting off to a cold, frosty start. for northern england, scotland, northern ireland. there is a risk of ice on untreated surfaces, especially in northern ireland were saturday was so wet. further south, more cloud most of this area of low pressure. it is pulling away but keeping temperatures above freezing.
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look, there is a gap between weather systems, but these wet weather bearing weather fronts will be coming into was imparted at the end of sunday as we will see a moment. this is how remembrance sunday is shaping up. still outbreaks of rain for southern england and south wales, clearing away, fog patches around as well. but for many of us you see the extent of the dry, sunny weather during the day. she was clipping areas around the moray firth. a chilly day. it will feel a bit warmer. look at this. these weather fronts coming in from the west at the end of the day. a very wet evening into northern ireland. here comes the rain pushing it across the uk owing into monday morning. some snow to the higher parts of the penance, southern upland, but into the islands north of the central belt in scotland where could be quite tricky on some of the going into monday morning. temperatures to head up a bit over night into monday after a chilly start of the night. the good news is, if there is any, but this latest weather system, it is moving on through, so the wet weather doesn't hang around too long in any one place. rain clearing south part
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england by the end of monday morning. and then a blustery day following the sunshine and showers, the showers most frequent to the north—west of the uk, wintry in places, especially to hills. it will bea places, especially to hills. it will be a colder filling places, especially to hills. it will be a colderfilling day, particularly because it will be a windy day. and going into tuesday, low pressure then towards the north sea, around that we have still got some bands of wet weather moving through. so not to showers, but longer spells of wet weather sinking southwards on wednesday. there will be drier, brighter zones around these as well. it will still be a chilly day. don't expect anything warmer in the week goes on. low pressure will still be close by during the remainder of the week. a little gap early on wednesday. look at this, more weather fronts coming in from the atlantic. chilly start to wednesday, turning letterfrom the west. as i've mentioned earlier, low pressure staying around for the rest of the week.
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this is bbc news, the headlines:
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at least three people have died in bushfires on the east coast of australia. weather forecasters and firefighters have warned that more dangerous weather is on the way, and told people at risk to leave for safety now, as they might not be able to provide help. ceremonies have been taking place in germany to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, once a potent symbol of the cold war divide between east and west. chancellor angela merkel, who grew up in east germany, called on europeans to stand up for freedom, tolerance and human rights. the cyclonic storm bulbul has made landfall in india and bangladesh. it's brought winds of up to 135 kilometres an hour and heavy rain. two deaths have been reported so far. in bangladesh, troops and volunteers have gone from door to door


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